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Additional Details:
Guaranteed Hours 36
Shift: 7-730
Modified Self Schedule; Management will try to accommodate scheduling requests, but ask that travelers are flexible and help to fill gaps in permanent staffing. Try not to do every other, but will accommodate blocks scheduling if able, but cannot guarantee.
Weekend Requirements: EOW.
Holiday Requirements: May be asked to go in the Holiday Rotation.
Floating Requirements: With low census in OB- try to have nurses stock or find things to do around the department, if not needed in unit. Travelers may be asked to float to be helping hands in MS, ER, LTC as a sitter or helping hands. RN to come back to the unit for laboring patients.
L&D Beds: 4 LDRPs, 2 PP, 1 Exam Room that can be an LDRP. Can be placed in all roles within the same shift.
OR Suites on the unit for C-Sections?: OR Team does scrubbing and circulating and recovery for C-Sections, it is adjacent to our unit. OB nurse receives the baby.
Postpartum beds: 2 Bed (all rooms have monitors).
Do you follow AWHONN guidelines for ratios?: Strive to follow AWHONN staffing guidelines; Staff 2 nurses per shift; they only call in extra if multiple labors are occurring or there is a sick baby.
Common diagnoses: Low risk labor (rare high risk OB- to stabilize and transfer), antepartum testing, PP couplets, well nursery, stabilize and ship out sick nursery. Could have a postpartum couplet, triage and labor patient. RN should be comfortable caring for sick babies prior to transport (it can take transport 3 hours to get the patients).
Experience: MUST have the ability to function in L&D, PP, and Sick-Baby Nursery. Okay with 1 year of experience in true LDRP.
C-sections: OB RN Only received the baby- OR does scrub circulate and recovery.
Are RNs required to titrate drips?: All IVs and IV drips are run thru infusion device.
RNs read their own EFM tele strips- asked to be able to identify major rhythms and life-threatening rhythms
Required Certifications: Intermediate or Advanced Fetal Monitoring (in NV RN cannot place Cytotec without Advanced FHM).
Scrub Color: Navy Blue, Hospitals scrubs provided for c-sections in the OR.
(day 1)Dental
(day 1)Vision
(day 1)401k
(opt in)