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Travel Nurse (RN) - Surgical Intensive Care Unit


Chandler, AZ
3 shifts x 12 hours
Start March 17th · 13 wks
Contract Details
Job Type
Shift Type
Contract Date
03/17/2025 - 06/16/2025
Expected Length
13 weeks
Hours Per Shift
Shifts Per Week
Radius Rules
Candidates must live at least 50 miles away from this facility in order to be considered a traveler when applying for this role.
Travel Pay Breakdown
Weekly Gross WagesStipends
Weekly Gross Wages
Based on36contracted hours in 3 x12-hour shifts
Standard: – –/hr x – – hr
– –
Overtime: – –/hr x – – hr
– –
= – –/hr x – – hr
– –
Housing, Meals & Incidentals in Chandler,AZ
Lodging: – – per day x– –days
– –
M&I: – – per day x– –days
– –
= – – per shift x – – shifts
– –
– –
Base Rate 
– –
– –
Double Time 
– –
Extra Time 
– –
Unlock Pay Breakdown & Facility Info

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24 months of role experience is required from any number of months.
24 months of Surgical Intensive Care Unit experience is required from last 4 years.
3 months of experience with Cerner is preferred from any number of months.
Candidates must provide 1 manager/supervisor reference from within the past 12 months in order to be considered for this role
Candidates must provide 1 reference from within the past 3 years in order to be considered for this role
Candidates must have a Arizona license or compact license
BLS (Required)
ACLS (Required)
NIHSS (Required)
COVID vaccination required. Religious and medical declinations accepted.
COVID booster required. Religious, medical, and personal declinations accepted.
Flu vaccination required. Religious, medical, and personal declinations accepted.
Proof of Identification
Driver's license required
Additional Information

Pre-employment modules may be required for this role. Please upload any certifications or health documents you have to your profile to expedite your on-boarding process.

Additional Details:

An interview may not be available prior to offer.

36 Guaranteed Hours

*Experience must also include EITHER neuro or CV.

Common diagnoses/Types of patients: Level 1 trauma Center, Falls, GSW, blunt trauma, MVAs, trauma patients over age of 15. Ex-lap, crani, speciality neuro-surgery cases. CVA, status post-TPA, COVID, sepsis, ARDS.

Are RNs required to titrate drips? Yes

Common titratable &/or set rate drips: Propofol, fentanyl, versed, precedex, morphine, dilaudid, ketamine, rocuronium, levophed, vasopressin, cardene, labetatol, dopamine, dobutamine, heparin, insulin

Shifts & Scheduling (Do you allow self-scheduling? Block scheduling?) Self scheduling. Manager may need to balance shifts for unit needs.

Weekend Requirements 3 weekend shifts in a 4 week schedule, Nightshift weekends are Friday - Saturday. Dayshift are Saturday - Sunday

Holiday Requirements May have 1 holiday off in an assignment

Floating Requirements Float to tele with a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio as needed

Scrub Color/Dress Code Navy

Additional Notes: Will validate skills for trauma, neuro and speciality devices as needed. Sister units are a medical/cardiac 36 bed ICU & 12 bed overflow ICU. Expectation is to float between all 3 ICUs.

Unit Medical ICU - Medical Cardiac + Overflow

Nurse:Patient Ratios 1:2, 1:1

Common diagnoses/Types of patients Sepsis, COVID, CRRT (not required), DKA, Flu, ARDS, vascular surgeries. CVICU- On and off pump CABG (recovered in ICU), Valves, Post Caths, TAVR, IABP, Impella, ECMO (new 3/2022), Tandem heart, esophagectomies.

Common titratable &/or set rate drips Propofol, fentanyl, versed, precedex, morphine, dilaudid, ketamine, rocuronium, levophed, vasopressin, cardene, labetatol, dopamine, dobutamine, heparin, insulin

Charge Nurse Yes, do not take patients

Weekend Requirements 3 wkdn shifts per 4 wk sched, Nightshift wknds are Fri-Sat. Dayshift are Sat- Sun Holiday Requirements: May have 1 holiday off in an assisgnment Is there a call or standby requirement? No additional call/standby shifts required. However, may be low censused up to 3 times per contract depending on unit needs

Floating Requirements: Float to tele with a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio as needed

Scrub Color: Navy

Unit/Department specific orientation: 1-2 days

Trusted Benefits


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