Speech-Language Pathologist Licensure Guide
Welcome aspiring and established Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs)! Whether you are at the dawn of your SLP journey or seeking to further enrich your career in Speech Language Pathology, getting to know the licensing process is a critical step. This guide serves as your comprehensive aid, delivering detailed and concise information on Speech Language Pathologist Licensure across the United States.
Speech Language Pathology, or speech therapy, is an allied health profession that empowers individuals to overcome communication and swallowing difficulties, enhancing their ability to express themselves and improve their quality of life. If you're interested in learning more about what this role encompasses, we invite you to take a look at our Speech Language Pathologist Career Guide.
The field of SLPs is set for substantial expansion in the near future. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates a robust 21% increase in SLP employment from 2021 to 2031, a rate much faster than the average for all other occupations. As you step into the world of Speech Language Pathology, you're stepping into a field bursting with opportunities.
Let's dive into everything you need to know about acquiring your SLP license, transferring an SLP license to another state, and understanding the process of the SLP interstate compact. Let's unlock the world of opportunities in Speech Language Pathology together!
If your goal is to become a Speech-Language Pathologist, or Speech Therapist, the following provides a straightforward overview of the steps you'll need to take.
The guide below should be helpful in understanding what’s required for each state!
The Audiology & Speech Language Pathology Compact (ASLP Compact) has simplified practicing as an SLP across multiple states. The primary aim of the ASLP Compact is to enhance access to speech language pathology services by easing the process for Audiology and Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) to practice in different states.
In an ASLP Compact member state, SLPs can practice in other participating states using a "compact privilege" that operates much like a license. Currently, the ASLP Compact covers 33 states, and that number is expected to rise.
The benefits of the ASLP Licensure Compact extend far beyond facilitating multistate practice. It strengthens the ability of SLPs to provide telehealth services, respond swiftly in emergency health situations, and eliminate geographical limitations to better meet the needs of their patients. Furthermore, it establishes an interstate licensure data system, allowing for real-time verification of licensure information for heightened public safety.
It's important to remember that each state in the ASLP Compact may still uphold its specific licensure requirements, so you should always consult the individual state's licensing board for the most accurate information.
In the following section, we will break down the licensure requirements on a state-by-state basis to provide a comprehensive overview of what's needed to obtain and maintain your SLP license in each state.
Understanding the specific licensure requirements of each state enables you to strategically plot your career path and take full advantage of any arising opportunities. Whether you're targeting a permanent role or are excited to dive into travel SLP positions with Trusted, this guide is crafted to simplify your licensure process. Keep in mind, each state's requirements may change over time, so ensure you regularly visit the respective state's board page for the most accurate and current information.
ASLP Licensure Compact? Yes.
Temporary/Limited Permit: An interim practice license can be granted to those who hold a valid license from another state during the period between submission of licensure application form and Board of Examiners action.
Initial Licensing Fee: A $200 application fee, along with $75 license fee.
Renewal: $100 every year. Requires 12 hours of continuing education.
More Information: Visit the Alabama State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact? Not enacted.
Temporary/Limited Permit: A temporary license can be issued to a person, resident or not, who is in the process of completing a year of supervised clinical competence in speech-language pathology from ASHA. a temporary license can also be issued to a nonresident, who will practice speech-language pathology in Alaska for 60 days or less in a calendar year.
Initial Licensing Fee: A nonrefundable application fee of $250.0, plus a $225 license fee. Independent practitioners need to also maintain an Alaska Business License.
Renewal: Licenses are issued for a two-year period and expire on September 30 of even-numbered years, regardless of the date of issuance, except licenses issued within 90 days of the expiration date are issued to the next biennial expiration date. Alaska does not require continuing education for renewal of the license. There’s a $70 fee for on-time renewals.
More Information: Visit the Alaska State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit: The Department may issue a temporary license to a person who does not meet the professional experience requirement if the applicant meets all remaining requirements and includes with the application a plan for meeting the postgraduate professional experience. The temporary licensee must practice under the supervision of a state licensed individual. The temporary license may only be renewed once. Certain exemptions exist for specific professionals and students.
Initial Licensing Fee: A nonrefundable application fee of $100, a license fee of $200.
Renewal: Requires 20 hours of continuing education every 2 years. The renewal fee is $200.
More Information: Visit the Arizona State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Applicants for a provisional license must possess a master's degree, be in the process of completing paid professional experience, and pass an exam approved by the Board of Examiners. The application must be made within 30 days of beginning the professional experience. This license may be renewed annually for up to 36 months. Applicants who have submitted the completed application form, the application fee, and a plan for completion of the clinical fellowship experience signed by a supervisor who holds a valid Arkansas license in speech-language pathology or audiology may practice pending disposition of their application.
Initial Licensing Fee: $100 application fee
Renewal: 10 hours of continuing education are required per year. Renewals are due by June 30th each year and there is an $80 fee for on-time renewals.
More Information: Visit the Arkansas State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit:The Board may issue a temporary license for a period of 6 months from date of issuance to a SLP who holds an unrestricted license from another state or territory of the United States or who holds equivalent qualifications as determined by the Board and has submitted an application to the Board for a license. There is a $35 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $150
Renewal: 24 hours of continuing education per license renewal period (2 years) is required, as well as a $150 fee.
More Information: Visit the California State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in California
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: The director may issue a provisional certification as a speech-language pathologist to persons obtaining the required clinical fellowship. The provisional certification expires 2 years after it is issued or upon the issuance of a permanent certification.
Initial Licensing Fee: $145 nonrefundable fee.
Renewal: All Colorado SLP certifications expire on November 30th every year.
More Information: Visit the Colorado State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit: No, however, in order to be eligible for CT SLP licensure, an applicant must complete a period of supervised professional experience under the supervision of a Connecticut licensed speech and language pathologist consisting of a minimum of 36 weeks and 1,080 hours of full-time employment, or a minimum of 48 weeks and 1,440 hours of part-time employment under the supervision of a licensed speech and language pathologist.
Initial Licensing Fee: $200 application fee.
Renewal: Licenses expire biennially on the last day of issuance month. SLPs are required to complete 20 hours of continuing education every 2 years. There is a $205 renewal fee.
More Information: Visit the Connecticut State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in Connecticut
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Initial licensure requires a nine month supervised clinical fellowship. For the purpose of completing the fellowship, a temporary permit can be granted. The applicant must show that they earned at least a master’s degree or its equivalent with major emphasis in speech-language pathology, communication disorders or speech-language and hearing science and that they completed at least 400 clock hours of supervised clinical practicum at the appropriate level. There is a $64 fee and the permit is good for one year.
Initial Licensing Fee: $165
Renewal: SLP licenses expire on July 31 of odd years. SLPs must complete 30 hours of approved CE during each full licensure renewal period between August 1 and July 31 of the previous odd-numbered years.
More Information: Visit the Delaware State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit: No
Initial Licensing Fee: $264 application and license fee.
Renewal: Licensees must complete 20 hours of continuing education during a two-year period.
More Information: Visit the District of Columbia State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in District of Columbia
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Not enacted
Temporary/Limited Permit: Provisional licenses are valid for 21 months or until a license is issued.
Initial Licensing Fee: A $74 application fee, along with a $100 license fee if the license is issued January 1 through July 31 of the odd numbered year and a $200 license fee if the license is issued August 1 of the odd numbered year through December 31 of the even numbered year.
Renewal: Licenses expire on Dec 31 of odd numbered years. On time renewal of an active license is associated with an $80 fee. The licensee must obtain 30 continuing education hours every 2 year renewal period.
More Information: Visit the Florida State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Paid Clinical Experience (PCE) temporary permits may be issued to applicants who have met the academic and clinical experience requirements set out in Board Rules but do not have the post masters paid clinical experience required for licensure as an SLP. The PCE temporary permit is non-renewable and the PCE (full time) experience must be completed in no more than a 12-month period; Part time in no more than 24 months. There is an associated fee of $40.
Initial Licensing Fee: $110 application fee. There is an online processing fee of $5 and $10 by mail.
Renewal: SLP licenses expire every two years on March 31st of odd numbered years. The renewal fee is $60 for SLPs.
More Information: Visit the Georgia State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Not enacted
Temporary/Limited Permit: Temporary license to practice can be granted to military spouses for the duration of the active-duty military member's service in Hawaii, not to exceed a five-year period. Temporary permits can also be issued to non-residents with no license for no more than five working days in a calendar year, or individuals with equivalent licenses in another state may provide services for no more than 30 working days in a calendar year and both must be performed in cooperation with a Hawaii-licensed SLP.
Initial Licensing Fee: Application fee of $50, annual license fee of $176
Renewal: SLP licenses must be renewed by Dec 31 of odd numbered years. Hawaii does not require continuing education for the renewal of speech-language pathology licenses.
More Information: Visit the Hawaii State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: A provisional permit is required to engage in the practice of speech-language pathology while completing the required postgraduate experience.
Initial Licensing Fee: There is an application fee of $25 and a license fee of $70
Renewal: SLP licenses expire on the licensee’s birthdate each year and can be renewed with an $80 renewal fee. Each licensee will need to complete a minimum of 10 CE contact hours in the 12 months preceding each renewal of their license.
More Information: Visit the Idaho State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Pending Legislature
Temporary/Limited Permit: A temporary license may be granted to an applicant who has met all educational requirements and is applying for SLP licensure. The temporary license is to be used in order for the applicant to complete their Clinical Fellowship Year. There is an additional $75 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $90 for licensure by exam and $100 for licensure by endorsement.
Renewal: 20 hours of continuing education are required every 2 years.
More Information: Visit the Illinois State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: A temporary license can be issued for the purpose of obtaining clinical experience needed for permanent licensure. The license expires either when the individual is licensed as an SLP or 18 months after the beginning of the clinical fellowship. There’s a $50 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $150
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every 2 years. There’s a $100 renewal fee. Each licensee must complete 36 hours of continuing education every 2 years for renewal.
More Information: Visit the Indiana State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Any person who has fulfilled all of the requirements for licensure except for the nine months of clinical experience may apply for a temporary clinical license. The the purpose of obtaining clinical experience needed for permanent licensure. The applicant must be supervised by an Iowa licensed speech-language pathologist. There’s a $30 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $120
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed by Dec 31 on odd numbered years. There’s a renewal fee of $96. Licensees must complete 30 hours of continuing education every 2 years.
More Information: Visit the Iowa State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: A temporary license can be granted for supervised postgraduate professional experience. There is a $65 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $135 at the most, but fees are prorated based on the month in which licensure occurs.
Renewal: Applicants must complete 20 hours of documented and approved continuing education per each two-year renewal period. There is a $135 renewal fee.
More Information: Visit the Kansas State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: A temporary license can be granted for supervised postgraduate professional experience. A temporary license is valid for no longer than 180 days.
Initial Licensing Fee: $50 application fee, $100 license fee.
Renewal: All licenses should be renewed by January 31 of odd numbered years. An individual license holder must complete 30 hours for every 2 year renewal period.
More Information: Visit the Kentucky State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: The Board of Examiners may issue a provisional license to an individual who has completed all requirements for licensure except for the supervised postgraduate professional requirement and the examination; the individual shall fulfill the exam requirement within one year from the date of original issuance.
Initial Licensing Fee: $125
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed by June 30 every year and there is a $65 renewal fee. Licensees must have 10 hours per year of continuing education.
More Information: Visit the Louisiana State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Applicants with a qualifying degree and a clinical fellowship supervisory plan may qualify for a temporary license.
Initial Licensing Fee: $50 application fee, plus $21 criminal history check fee.
Renewal: License renewal occurs annually at the end of February and requires 25 hours of continuing professional education each year. The renewal fee is $50.
More Information: Visit the Maine State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: The Board may issue a limited license to individuals who meet the licensure requirements except for the examination and supervised clinical training/postgraduate professional practice. A limited license expires after one year and is renewable once. There’s a $100 initial fee and a $25 renewal fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $150 application fee.
Renewal: 30 hours of CEUs are required per two-year renewal cycle.
More Information: Visit the Maryland State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit: Massachusetts has passed legislation to license individuals completing their clinical fellowship year. The Board of Registration is currently working on implementation.
Initial Licensing Fee: Application fee of $68
Renewal: Licenses expire every 2 years on the licensee’s birthday. There’s a $68 renewal fee and licensee’s must complete a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education every 2 years.
More Information: Visit the Massachusetts State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in Massachusetts
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit: A limited license may be issued for the purpose of completing the supervised postgraduate clinical experience. The temporary license period shall not exceed 12 months. There is a $102.70 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $183.80 application fee
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every 2 years for a renewal fee of $162.20. 20 continuing professional development credits (CPD) every 2-year period.
More Information: Visit the Michigan State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Not enacted
Temporary/Limited Permit: They may issue a temporary license to an applicant who is completing their clinical fellowship or doctoral externship, has met all qualifications for licensure, and applied for licensure and is not the subject of a disciplinary action. There is a $35 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: Initial application fee is prorated based on the month in which it is received, with the maximum fee being $218.50 in January
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every 2 years and there is a $200 renewal fee. Must show completion of 30 hours of continuing education per two-year renewal cycle.
More Information: Visit the Minnesota State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: The Board shall issue a temporary license to an applicant who fulfills all requirements for licensure except for the supervised professional employment and/or the exam. It will be issued for one 2 year period for a $75 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $100 application fee and $100 license fee.
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed by June 30 of even-numbered years and there is a $100 renewal fee. 20 hours or two Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are required per two-year renewal period.
More Information: Visit the Mississippi State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in Mississippi
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes.
Temporary/Limited Permit: A provisional license to complete the required clinical fellowship is effective for one year and may be extended for an additional twelve months. There is a $25 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $25 application fee
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed by Jan 31 of odd years with a renewal fee of $50. Licensees must complete 30 hours of continuing education every three years.
More Information: Visit the Missouri State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: The Board may issue a limited license to qualified individuals engaged in supervised professional experience. There is a $27 fee. The license is issued for 2 years and is not renewable.
Initial Licensing Fee: $192 application fee
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed by Feb 1 with a $110 renewal fee every year. Licensees must complete 10 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) annually.
More Information: Visit the Montana State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes.
Temporary/Limited Permit: A temporary license may be granted to persons who meet all the requirements for a license except completion of the professional experience. Such temporary license shall be valid only until the completion of such professional experience or 18 months, whichever is first, and shall not be renewed. The fee is $140.
Initial Licensing Fee: $140 application fee
Renewal: All licenses expire on Dec 1 of even numbered years for a $140 renewal fee. Licensees must complete 20 hours of continuing education per two-year cycle.
More Information: Visit the Nebraska State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit: A SLP licensed in another state and seeking to practice in Nevada or treat Nevada residents for less than 12 months, regardless of residency or licensure status in another state may be issued a temporary license. The temporary license expires 6 months from date of initial licensure and may only be renewed once for one additional 6-month period. There is a $200 temporary license fee. A graduate of a school of speech-language pathology who is completing the clinical fellowship year requirements to earn the ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC-SLP) and seeking to practice as a Speech-Language Pathologist in Nevada may be issued a provisional license for a $250 fee. The provisional license is valid for 1 year from date of initial licensure and may be renewed annually for 2 additional 1-year periods
Initial Licensing Fee: $250 fee
Renewal: Licenses expire 1 year from date of initial licensure and may be renewed annually. Licensees must complete at least 10 hours of continuing education each renewal cycle.
More Information: Visit the Nevada State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Applicants may receive a provisional license to practice while completing the post-graduate professional experience. The license is limited to 12 months and there is a $60 application fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $60 application fee.
Renewal: Licenses will expire two years from the date of issuance, on the last day of the month in which the license was issued. There is a $110 annual renewal fee. SLPs must complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years.
More Information: Visit the New Hampshire State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in New Hampshire
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Legislation pending
Temporary/Limited Permit: May issue a temporary license to any new resident (six month minimum) who has applied for licensure and who holds a state license in their previous state of residence. Such a license is good for one year and cannot be renewed. Clinical interns can also be issued a temporary license for a period not to exceed 18 months. There is a $50 temporary license fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $75 application fee, plus $170 license fee if paid during the first year of a renewal period or $85 if paid during the second year of the renewal period.
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every 2 years and there is a $170 renewal fee. Licensees must complete 20 hours of continuing education every 2 years.
More Information: Visit the New Jersey State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in New Jersey
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Not enacted.
Temporary/Limited Permit: Clinical fellows must obtain a temporary license prior to or during the first 12 months an individual has their Clinical Fellow license. There is a $50 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $100
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every 2 years with a $200 fee. Licensees must complete 20 hours of continuing education every two years.
More Information: Visit the New Mexico State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in New Mexico
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Not enacted
Temporary/Limited Permit: A limited license is available to any person engaging in clinical or academic practice under the supervision of a licensed speech‐language pathologist for such a period of time as may be necessary to complete an experience requirement for a professional license as a speech‐language pathologist. The license is good for a period of 1 year for a $70 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: Licensure and first registration is $294
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every 3 years and the renewal fee is $229. An applicant must complete a minimum of 30 continuing competence hours every 3 years.
More Information: Visit the New York State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes.
Temporary/Limited Permit: A temporary license is offered when an applicant has not completed the required supervised experience and passed the required exam. This temporary license is not renewable. There is a $30 application fee and a $40 license fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $100
Renewal: Each license must be renewed annually for a $100 renewal fee. Licensee’s must complete 30 hours of continuing professional education every three years.
More Information: Visit the North Carolina State Board of SLP
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ASLP Licensure Compact?: No.
Temporary/Limited Permit: North Dakota does not require a clinical fellowship for licensure, therefore individuals should apply directly for their initial license.
Initial Licensing Fee: The initial application fee is $100, plus a licensing fee of $250.00.
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed annually for a renewal fee of $75. Licensee’s must complete 10 clock hours of continuing education per year.
More Information: Visit the North Dakota State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in North Dakota
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Individuals required to meet the supervised professional experience must obtain a conditional license, which is valid for 18 months. There’s an associated fee of $150.
Initial Licensing Fee: $200
Renewal: Licenses expire on Dec 31 of even numbered years. There’s a renewal fee of $120 and SLPs must obtain 20 clock hours of continuing education per two-year period.
More Information: Visit the Ohio State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes.
Temporary/Limited Permit: Applicants that meet the requirements for licensure are eligible for a temporary license, following a credentials review that is valid until the next regular Board of Examiners meeting.
Initial Licensing Fee: $85
Renewal: Licenses expire on the 31st day of December following their issuance or renewal. There is an $84 renewal fee. Licensees must obtain 20 clock hours of continuing education per two-year period.
More Information: Visit the Oklahoma State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No.
Temporary/Limited Permit: A Limited Term License is a temporary license issued to a SLP applicant whose application for regular licensure is submitted after May 1st of each odd-numbered year. A Temporary License may be issued for up to 90 days to a SLP applicant who meets all other requirements for licensure but whose graduate degree will not be conferred before employment begins. A Conditional License is a license certificate issued by the Board to applicants who have completed degree requirements and are engaged in post-graduate supervised clinical experience until they obtain regular licensure. The examination is not required for a conditional license. There is a $50 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $95 application fee, plus $50 for fingerprinting and background check.
Renewal: SLP license must be renewed by Dec 31 of odd numbered years with a renewal fee of $250. Licencees must complete 20 hours with 1 hour in cultural competency every 2 year renewal period.
More Information: Visit the Oregon State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Legislation pending.
Temporary/Limited Permit: A provisional license will be granted to applicants who have met the SLP licensure requirements except for supervised professional experience or who are completing the supervised professional experience necessary to receive an ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence or who hold a valid license in another state.
Initial Licensing Fee: $50
Renewal:Licenses expire on July 31 of even numbered years. There’s a $65 renewal fee. Licensee must obtain 20 hours of continuing education per 2-year renewal period.
More Information: Visit the Pennsylvania State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in Pennsylvania
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Not enacted
Temporary/Limited Permit: Clinical fellows must obtain a provisional license. A provisional license can be renewed annually but not to exceed 36 months past initiation of the postgraduate professional experience (PPE) and otherwise will expire 90 days after the completion of the PPE. There is a fee of $65 for the provisional license.
Initial Licensing Fee: $145
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every 2 years with a $145 renewal fee. Licensees must complete 20 hours of continuing education per biennium for license renewal.
More Information: Visit the Rhode Island State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in Rhode Island
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Individuals who have completed their post-graduate degree but not yet taken the exam must apply for an intern license. The fee is $110.
Initial Licensing Fee: $200 application fee
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every 2 years with a renewal fee of $140. License holders must complete 16 hours of continuing education per license period.
More Information: Visit the South Carolina State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in South Carolina
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit: An individual who holds a master’s or doctoral degree from an institution accredited by the accrediting agency of ASHA and from an educational institution approved by the US Department of education, has completed supervised clinical practicum, has passed a written national examination for speech‐language pathology, and is working under the mentorship of a licensed SLP to complete the postgraduate professional experience can be issued a provisional license. The term of a provisional license is 24 months and may be renewed only one time.
Initial Licensing Fee: $100 application fee, plus $150 licensure fee.
Renewal: All licenses expire on the first day of October of the second year succeeding the issuance of the license. There is a renewal fee of $150. Licensees must complete at least 20 contact hours of continuing education for each two-year renewal period.
More Information: Visit the South Dakota State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in South Dakota
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Clinical fellows must obtain a provisional license. The license cannot be valid for more than 4 years.
Initial Licensing Fee: $50 application fee, initial license fee $100
Renewal: SLP licenses must be renewed every 2 years. There is a renewal fee of $60.. Licensees must complete 20 hours of continuing education within 2 calendar years.
More Information: Visit the Tennessee State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: No
Temporary/Limited Permit: The State Board of Examiners may grant a provisional license to an applicant licensed in another state with equivalent standards, who has passed a recognized examination, and is sponsored by a licensee. Such a license is valid until the State Board of Examiners approves or denies the applicant's state license. In order to complete the required 36-week clinical fellowship in Texas, an Intern in Speech-Language Pathology license is required. There is a $75 fee and the license if valid for 1 year.
Initial Licensing Fee: $150
Renewal: SLP licenses need to be renewed every 2 years. There’s a renewal fee of $100 for SLPs. 20 CE hours are required to renew a license issued for a two-year term.
More Information: Visit the Texas State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: If the applicant has completed all requirements for licensure as a speech-language pathologist and is practicing speech-language pathology in a year of clinical fellowship, a temporary license may be issued, valid for up to 12 months. There is a $50 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $70
Renewal: SLP licenses expire on May 31 of odd years and there is a $47 renewal fee.Twenty hours of continuing professional education is required per 2-year period.
More Information: Visit the Utah State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Two-year provisional licenses may be granted to graduates who have met all the requirements for licensure except for completing the clinical fellowship.
Initial Licensing Fee: $115 application fee
Renewal: SLP licenses need to be renewed every 2 years and there is a $200 renewal fee. 20 hours of continuing education per two-year licensing period.
More Information: Visit the Vermont State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: The Board may issue a provisional license to a new graduate applicant for licensure who has passed the qualifying examination. The fee is $50.
Initial Licensing Fee: $135.
Renewal: Licenses must be renewed annually with a renewal fee of $75. A licensee must complete at least 10 contact hours of continuing education prior to December 31 of each year for license renewal.
More Information: Visit the Virginia State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: An interim permit may be issued if an applicant has a master’s degree or equivalent, or a doctorate degree or the equivalent, from a program at a board-approved institution of higher learning, has completed the Interim Jurisprudence Examination, and is practicing under the supervision of a Washington State licensed SLP. There is a $305 associated with an interim permit.
Initial Licensing Fee: $191
Renewal: SLP license must be renewed annually on the licensee’s birthday. There’s a renewal fee of $61. Licensees must complete a minimum 30 of continuing education every three years.
More Information: Visit the Washington State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in Washington
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes.
Temporary/Limited Permit: The board may issue a provisional license to an applicant who is in the process of obtaining postgraduate professional experience and who meets the academic, practicum, and examination requirements for licensure, submits an application to the board, including a plan for the content of the postgraduate professional experience, and pays the fee.
A provisional licensee may practice speech-language pathology under the general supervision of a licensed SLP. The provisional license shall be valid for a term of one year and may be renewed.
Initial Licensing Fee: Fees are prorated based on when they’re issued in the renewal cycle, with a maximum fee of $300.
Renewal: SLP licenses expire Dec 31 every even year with a renewal fee of $175. Licensees are required to complete 20 hours of continuing education every 2 years.
More Information: Visit the West Virginia State Board of SLP
Explore SLP Jobs in West Virginia
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Legislation pending.
Temporary/Limited Permit: A temporary license may be granted to practice during completion of the required supervised postgraduate fellowship, valid for 18 months. There is a $10 fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $60
Renewal: SLP licenses expire on jan 31 of odd numbered years. The renewal fee is $60. A licensee must complete at least 20 hours of Board-approved continuing education per biennial renewal period.
More Information: Visit the Wisconsin State Board of SLP
ASLP Licensure Compact?: Yes
Temporary/Limited Permit: Persons completing all requirements for licensure except the clinical experience may obtain a provisional license. The provisional license lasts for 12 months and may be renewed for one additional twelve-month period. There is a $200 associated fee.
Initial Licensing Fee: $300
Renewal: Licenses expire on December 31st of the year following the year of issue. There is a $100 renewal fee. Licensees must complete 12 contact hours per year for renewal.
More Information: Visit the Wyoming State Board of SLP
Embarking on your career as a licensed Speech Language Pathologist requires strategic planning and thoughtfulness, but it affords you the flexibility to practice wherever you find most suitable! Here are some helpful tips to aid your navigation:
Becoming a licensed Speech Language Pathologist is a journey that requires meticulous planning, adherence to your state's specific requirements, and patience as you navigate the licensure landscape. But always remember, you're embarking on a thrilling path, and these insights can serve as your compass, helping you realize your career ambitions!
We trust that this all-inclusive guide has been useful in outlining your path forward. As you start or continue with your journey as a Speech-Language Pathologist, remember that the experience of the journey is just as vital as reaching the destination.
So, why delay? Expand your perspectives and embrace the unique opportunity to travel and work as an SLP. Sign up with Trusted today and open the door to a realm of opportunities!