Inside Trusted Health

Introducing the Trusted 401k Plan

The Trusted Team
December 8, 2021
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Travel nursing can be one of the most exciting career opportunities that a nurse can pursue; the flexibility to work anywhere in the US (and abroad), higher-than-average pay, exposure to diverse clinical environments, and the opportunity to make new connections are all very appealing. But in the midst of the adventure, it’s common for many travel nurses to neglect or not have access to some of the long-term planning resources that come with growing in their career. This often results in nurses putting a pause on or delaying saving for their future while they pursue the travel path. At Trusted, we believe travel nursing and long-term planning are not mutually exclusive, but should go hand-in-hand.

At Trusted, we’re on a mission to help people everywhere get care and we believe that starts with focusing on those that deliver the care -- by helping nurses build the lives they want. We know how important it is for nurses to have access to robust benefits that support them holistically - today and in the future.

That’s why we’re excited to announce our newest benefit for Trusted Nurses - the Trusted 401k plan. We’ve teamed up with Betterment to offer the most modern, seamless, and supported way for nurses to optimize for their retirement and investing needs.

Beginning January 2022, Trusted Nurses will be able to contribute to a 401k retirement account, and if eligible, receive Trusted employer matching.

When you sign a contract with Trusted and opt in to Trusted’s 401k plan, you’ll be able to allocate a percentage of your weekly pay to be automatically set aside for retirement before your pay ever hits your bank account, so you never have to worry about transferring money between accounts.

By offering our Trusted Nurses the ability to save for their retirement, we are investing in your future while creating a more sustainable career as a Trusted Nurse. If you’d like to learn more about how you can take advantage of Trusted’s 401k program, create a free profile today.

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